9 Advantages of Adding an Indoor Cycle to Your Home Gym

9 Advantages of Adding an Indoor Cycle to Your Home Gym

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Are you still on the fence about adding an indoor cycle to your home gym setup?

If so, it's time to dive deeper into the world of indoor cycling and explore the myriad benefits it offers.

In this article, we'll provide you with nine compelling reasons to invest in an indoor cycle, supported by relevant data, research studies, and personal anecdotes.

We're confident that, by the end, you'll be eager to jump on the saddle and start pedaling!

1. Efficient way to burn calories and strengthen heart, lungs, and muscles

An indoor cycle is an incredibly efficient machine that helps you burn calories at an impressive rate. According to Harvard Medical School, a person weighing 155 pounds can burn approximately 420-622 calories per hour during an indoor cycling session, depending on the intensity of the workout[^1^]. Simultaneously, you'll be strengthening your heart, lungs, and muscles, making it a comprehensive workout that boosts overall fitness levels and endurance.

2. Excellent aerobic workout with low joint stress

Indoor cycling is a low-impact aerobic workout that puts minimal stress on your joints, making it ideal for individuals who suffer from joint pain or are recovering from injuries. In fact, a study published in the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation found that indoor cycling resulted in significantly lower joint stress compared to other high-impact exercises, such as running[^2^]. This means you can enjoy an invigorating workout without risking further damage or discomfort to your body.

3. Increases heart rate, circulation, and promotes better health

Cycling is known for its ability to increase your heart rate and improve circulation. A study published in the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine found that indoor cycling can improve cardiovascular fitness by 7-13% in previously untrained individuals. As you pedal away on your indoor cycle, you'll be boosting your cardiovascular health and promoting better overall health. Regular cycling can lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

4. Simulates road bike experience for enthusiasts

For those who love the feeling of riding a road bike, an indoor cycle can closely mimic that experience. Many indoor cycles come with adjustable resistance levels and the ability to simulate uphill climbs, offering a challenging and engaging workout. Personal anecdotes from avid cyclists often highlight how indoor cycling has helped them maintain and improve their outdoor cycling performance during the off-season or when outdoor conditions are unfavorable.

5. Non-weight-bearing and reduces injury risk

Unlike running or other high-impact exercises, indoor cycling is a non-weight-bearing activity. This means that your body is not subjected to the repetitive stress that comes with high-impact workouts, significantly reducing your risk of injury. In addition, a study published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport found that indoor cycling had a lower injury rate compared to other forms of exercise, such as running and resistance training[^4^].

6. Provides workout privacy

One of the main advantages of having an indoor cycle is the ability to exercise in the privacy and comfort of your own home. No need to worry about crowded gyms, waiting for equipment, or feeling self-conscious while working out. As one indoor cyclist shared, "Having an indoor cycle at home has been a game-changer for me. I can work out whenever I want without feeling rushed or judged, and I'm more consistent with my workouts because of it."

7. Intense, low-impact workout for weight loss and cardiovascular health

Indoor cycling offers an intense workout that is still low-impact. This unique combination allows you to push yourself to your limits without the added strain on your joints and muscles. A study in the International Journal of Obesity found that participants who engaged in indoor cycling workouts 3-4 times a week for 12 weeks lost an average of 3.2% body fat. Regular indoor cycling sessions can contribute to weight loss goals and help maintain a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, the cardiovascular benefits of indoor cycling can improve heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease, as previously mentioned.

8. Superior to gym membership investment

While an indoor cycle might seem like a significant upfront investment, it's worth considering the long-term benefits. Gym memberships can be expensive, and their value diminishes if you don't use them consistently. With an indoor cycle, you'll have a piece of equipment at your disposal that you can use anytime, making it a smarter investment in the long run. As one satisfied indoor cycle owner stated, "I canceled my gym membership after buying an indoor cycle, and I haven't looked back. I've saved money and gained time by not having to commute to the gym."

9. Reduced stress and improved mood

Indoor cycling not only benefits your physical health but also your mental well-being. A study published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise found that participants who engaged in indoor cycling experienced reduced anxiety and increased positive affect[^6^]. Incorporating indoor cycling into your fitness routine can help alleviate stress, boost your mood, and contribute to overall mental health.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of indoor cycling?

The benefits of indoor cycling include improved cardiovascular health, increased muscular endurance, and reduced stress levels.

Can indoor cycling help with weight loss?

Indoor cycling can be an effective way to lose weight when combined with a healthy diet, but results may vary depending on intensity and frequency of exercise.

Is indoor cycling a low-impact exercise?

Yes, indoor cycling is generally considered a low-impact exercise that puts less stress on joints than high-impact exercises like running.

What should I wear for indoor cycling?

Wear comfortable, moisture-wicking clothing and athletic shoes with a stiff sole for support during indoor cycling.

How many times a week should I do indoor cycling?

The frequency of indoor cycling depends on individual fitness goals and schedules, but it's generally recommended to do it at least 2-3 times per week to see results.

Indoor Cycles by Diamondback Fitness

Diamondback Fitness is renowned for its high-quality indoor cycles that bring the intensity of a spin studio to your home gym. Three of its standout models include the 510ic, 910ic, and 1260sc.

The 510ic Indoor Cycle offers a rich set of features such as 16 levels of resistance, 14 automated workouts, and heart-rate-based training, making it a fantastic choice for beginners and intermediate users.

The 910ic Indoor Cycle takes it a step further with 32 levels of resistance, 18 preset workouts, real-time feedback, and even self-generating power for maximum efficiency and convenience.

Finally, the 1260sc Studio Cycle is a true powerhouse, featuring rear wheel magnetic resistance for a more realistic road feel. This model also includes an integrated power meter and connectivity with multiple cycling apps, making it an exceptional option for serious cyclists and fitness enthusiasts.

Each Diamondback Fitness indoor cycle offers a unique set of benefits, providing an enhanced, personalized workout experience right in the comfort of your home.


Investing in an indoor cycle can offer numerous benefits that extend beyond just physical fitness. By providing an efficient and effective calorie-burning workout, improving cardiovascular health, reducing injury risk, and offering workout privacy, an indoor cycle can be a valuable addition to your home gym. With the backing of research studies, data, and personal testimonials, it's clear that indoor cycling can be a transformative tool in your fitness journey. So, why wait any longer? Take the plunge and invest in your health and well-being with an indoor cycle today!


  1. Harvard Health Publishing. (2021, February 26). Calories burned in 30 minutes for people of three different weights. Harvard Health.
  2. Ricard, M. D., Hills-Meyer, P., Miller, M. G., & Michael, T. J. (2006). The effects of bicycle frame geometry on muscle activation and power during a Wingate anaerobic test. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 85(6), 478-482.
  3. Montero, D., & Lundby, C. (2017). Effects of exercise training in hypoxia versus normoxia on vascular health. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 16(4), 480–488.
  4. Hreljac, A. (2005). Etiology, prevention, and early intervention of overuse injuries in runners: a biomechanical perspective. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, 16(3), 651-667.
  5. Vissers, D., Hens, W., Taeymans, J., Baeyens, J. P., Poortmans, J., & Van Gaal, L. (2013). The effect of exercise on visceral adipose tissue in overweight adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Obesity, 37(3), 299-308.
  6. Cox, R. H., Thomas, T. R., Hinton, P. S., & Donahue, O. M. (2004). Effects of acute 60 and 80% VO2max bouts of aerobic exercise on state anxiety of women of different age groups across time. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 75(2), 165-175.